Results for 'John Phillip Kasik'

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  1. Christoph T. Maier, Preaching the Crusades: Mendicant Friars and the Cross in the Thirteenth Century. First paperback ed.(Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, 4/28.) Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Pp. x, 202. First published in 1994 by Cambridge University Press. [REVIEW]John Phillip Lomax - 2001 - Speculum 76 (1):196-197.
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    Education and Enquiry.J. C. Dancy, John Anderson & D. Z. Phillips - 1983 - British Journal of Educational Studies 31 (2):158.
  3.  34
    The contractual nexus: Is reliance essential?Mitchell Paul & Phillips John - 2002 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 22 (1):115-134.
    This article challenges the generally accepted dogma that reliance is an essential ingredient in contractual formation. We argue that this view has resulted from an erroneous interpretation of the relevant case law, failure to cite contrary authority, and the elevation of often oblique judicial references to the need for reliance to the status of fundamental contractual principle. Contractual theory and clear policy reasons support our position that in English law a contractual obligation subsists when a person, knowing of a promise, (...)
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  4. Knowledge before belief.Jonathan Phillips, Wesley Buckwalter, Fiery Cushman, Ori Friedman, Alia Martin, John Turri, Laurie Santos & Joshua Knobe - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44:e140.
    Research on the capacity to understand others' minds has tended to focus on representations ofbeliefs,which are widely taken to be among the most central and basic theory of mind representations. Representations ofknowledge, by contrast, have received comparatively little attention and have often been understood as depending on prior representations of belief. After all, how could one represent someone as knowing something if one does not even represent them as believing it? Drawing on a wide range of methods across cognitive science, (...)
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    (1 other version)Unmodern Philosophy and Modern Philosophy.John Dewey, Larry A. Hickman & Phillip Deen - 2012 - Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. Edited by Phillip Deen & Larry A. Hickman.
    In 1947 America’s premier philosopher, educator, and public intellectual John Dewey purportedly lost his last manuscript on modern philosophy in the back of a taxicab. Now, sixty-five years later, Dewey’s fresh and unpretentious take on the history and theory of knowledge is finally available. Editor Phillip Deen has taken on the task of editing Dewey’s unfinished work, carefully compiling the fragments and multiple drafts of each chapter that he discovered in the folders of the Dewey Papers at the (...)
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    Clarifying substituted judgement: the endorsed life approach: Table 1.John Phillips & David Wendler - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (9):723-730.
    A primary goal of clinical practice is to respect patient autonomy. To promote this goal for patients who have lost the ability to make their own decisions, commentators recommend that surrogates make their treatment decisions based on the substituted judgment standard. This standard is commonly interpreted as directing surrogates to make the decision the patient would have made in the circumstances, if the patient were competent. However, recent commentators have argued that this approach—attempting to make the decision the patient would (...)
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    Experiencing Silence.Phillip John Meadows - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (2):238-250.
    This paper identifies three claims that feature prominently in recent discussions concerning the experience of silence: that experiences of silence are the most “negative” of perceptions, that we do not hear silences because those silences cause our experiences of silence, and that to hear silence is to hear a temporal region devoid of sound. The principal proponents of this approach are Phillips and Soteriou, and here I present a series of objections to common elements of their attempts to place these (...)
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  8. Truth and inference in fiction.John F. Phillips - 1999 - Philosophical Studies 94 (3):273-293.
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  9. In Defense of Medial Theories of Sound.Phillip John Meadows - 2018 - American Philosophical Quarterly 55 (3):293-302.
    In the recent literature on the nature of sound, there is an emerging consensus rejection of what might be thought of as the scientifically informed commonsense position: that sounds, whatever else they may be, must be entities that mediate between the source of the sound and the subject hearing it. This paper offers an argument for such "medial" theories of sound. This argument is intended to shift attention from the two considerations that have dominated the debate thus far: the relevant (...)
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    Stakeholder Opinions and Ethical Perspectives Support Complete Disclosure of Incidental Findings in MRI Research.John P. Phillips, Caitlin Cole, John P. Gluck, Jody M. Shoemaker, Linda E. Petree, Deborah L. Helitzer, Ronald M. Schrader & Mark T. Holdsworth - 2015 - Ethics and Behavior 25 (4):332-350.
    How far does a researcher’s responsibility extend when an incidental finding is identified? Balancing pertinent ethical principles such as beneficence, respect for persons, and duty to rescue is not always straightforward, particularly in neuroimaging research where empirical data that might help guide decision making are lacking. We conducted a systematic survey of perceptions and preferences of 396 investigators, research participants, and Institutional Review Board members at our institution. Using the partial entrustment model as described by Richardson, we argue that our (...)
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  11. What Angles Can Tell Us About What Holes Are Not.Phillip John Meadows - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (2):319-331.
    In this paper I argue that holes are not objects, but should instead be construed as properties or relations. The argument proceeds by first establishing a claim about angles: that angles are not objects, but properties or relations. It is then argued that holes and angles belong to the same category, on the grounds that they share distinctive existence and identity conditions. This provides an argument in favour of categorizing holes as one categorizes angles. I then argue that a commitment (...)
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  12. Valuing Stillbirths.John Phillips & Joseph Millum - 2014 - Bioethics 29 (6):413-423.
    Estimates of the burden of disease assess the mortality and morbidity that affect a population by producing summary measures of health such as quality-adjusted life years and disability-adjusted life years. These measures typically do not include stillbirths among the negative health outcomes they count. Priority-setting decisions that rely on these measures are therefore likely to place little value on preventing the more than three million stillbirths that occur annually worldwide. In contrast, neonatal deaths, which occur in comparable numbers, have a (...)
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    NeoPlatonic exegeses of Plato's cosmogony ().John F. Phillips - 1997 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 35 (2):173-197.
    Neoplatonic Exegeses of Plato's Cosmogony JOHN F. PHILLIPS AMONG THE MANY CONTROVERSIES to which the long history of interpretation of Plato's Timaeus has given rise, that concerning the eternity of the cosmos is one of the most enduring and complex, and the source of almost continuous debate from the time of Xenocrates to the present. The importance to all Platonists of a doctrinally consistent answer to the question of whether or not the universe had a beginning in time is (...)
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    Agencement/Assemblage.John W. P. Phillips - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):108-109.
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    Nathalie Sarraute: Metaphor, Fairy-tale and the Feminine of the Text.John Phillips - 1994 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    Breaking new ground in Sarraute studies, John Phillips reads the novels and plays of Nathalie Sarraute in a hitherto largely neglected critical perspective. Through a detailed analysis of textual metaphors, he demonstrates that Sarraute's writing is informed and inspired by an intensely personal set of desires. Unlike previous criticism, which has stressed the formal aspects of the writing to the exclusion of the psychological, this study exploits contemporary psychoanalytic and feminist theory to expose an unconscious feminine dimension which the (...)
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  16. Error Theories of Absence Causation Are Not (Yet) Adequately Motivated.Phillip John Meadows - 2024 - Journal for the Philosophy of Language, Mind and the Arts 5 (2):347-366.
    In this paper I consider the merits and motivations for eliminativist error theories of absence causation, such as those offered by Beebee, Varzi, and Mumford. According to such views, there is no causation by absence. Here I argue that, despite of- fering an alternative picture of the practice of citing absences as causes, these views are inadequately motivated. I consider and reject a range of arguments for error-theoretic approaches, including appeals to ontological economy, physicalism and the causal clo- sure of (...)
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  17. Holes Cannot Be Counted as Immaterial Objects.Phillip John Meadows - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (4):841-852.
    In this paper I argue that the theory that holes are immaterial objects faces an objection that has traditionally been thought to be the principal difficulty with its main rival, which construes holes as material parts of material objects. Consequently, one of the principal advantages of identifying holes with immaterial objects is illusory: its apparent ease of accounting for truths about number of holes. I argue that in spite of this we should not think of holes as material parts of (...)
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    Plotinus on the Generation of Matter.John Phillips - 2009 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 3 (2):103-137.
    This study reconsiders Denis O'Brien's controversial thesis that it was Plotinus' position that the 'partial' soul generates matter. O'Brien relies principally on two core texts, 3.4 .1 and 3.9 .3, where he finds convincing evidence for his thesis. In the present study I take two approaches. First, I demonstrate that if we accept O'Brien's thesis, then we are compelled to accept as well that Plotinus is guilty of self-contradiction in his doctrine of soul's descent. Secondly, I offer a different interpretation (...)
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    Order from disorder: Proclus' doctrine of evil and its roots in ancient platonism.John Phillips - 2007 - Boston: Brill.
    This book examines Proclus' doctrine of evil in light of the tradition of exegesis of Plato's treatment of evil within the schools of ancient Platonism, from ...
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    The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory.John S. Dryzek, Bonnie Honig & Anne Phillips - 2006 - Oxford University Press. Edited by John Dryzek, Bonnie Honig & Anne Phillips.
    Oxford Handbooks of Political Science are the essential guide to the state of political science today. With engaging contributions from 51 major international scholars, the Oxford Handbook of Political Theory provides the key point of reference for anyone working in political theory and beyond.
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    Mead, George Herbert, 133,135,171 Mill, John Stuart, 55,188, 242.Phillip E. Johnson, Thomas Kuhn, Abraham Lefkowitz, Henry Linville, John Locke, Helen Longino, Hermann Lotze, Arthur O. Lovejoy & Joseph Priestley - 2002 - In F. Thomas Burke, D. Micah Hester & Robert B. Talisse, Dewey's logical theory: new studies and interpretations. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.
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    The meaning of normal.Phillip V. Davis & John G. Bradley - 1996 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 40 (1):68.
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  23. Contemporary Arguments for a Geometry of Visual Experience.Phillip John Meadows - 2009 - European Journal of Philosophy 19 (3):408-430.
    Abstract: In this paper I consider recent attempts to establish that the geometry of visual experience is a spherical geometry. These attempts, offered by Gideon Yaffe, James van Cleve and Gordon Belot, follow Thomas Reid in arguing for an equivalency of a geometry of ‘visibles’ and spherical geometry. I argue that although the proposed equivalency is successfully established by the strongest form of the argument, this does not warrant any conclusion about the geometry of visual experience. I argue, firstly, that (...)
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  24.  12
    Introduction.Anne Phillips, John S. Dryzek & Bonnie Honig - 2006 - In John S. Dryzek, Bonnie Honig & Anne Phillips, The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory. Oxford University Press.
    This introductory article explains the theme of this book, which is about political theory. It evaluates the impact of literature that proved especially influential in framing debate through the last decades of the twentieth century and opening years of the twenty-first and examines the historical work on political thought. It describes the combination of concerns that runs through the work of John Rawls, Ronald Dworkin, and the liberal egalitarian tradition and identifies areas of debate that have proved particularly fruitful (...)
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    Secrecy and transparency: An interview with Samuel Weber.John W. P. Phillips - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (7-8):158-172.
    In this interview Samuel Weber proposes a rethinking of the relation of secrecy to transparency and outlines some of the forms it takes, while considering certain of its implications for current social, political and epistemological contexts. He begins by questioning the opposition itself, suggesting that we will have to learn to be more at home with the secret and that the demand for transparency must be radically rethought and complicated. He argues that the demand for absolute transparency can only promote (...)
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    The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms: Volume 4: The Metaphysics of Symbolic Forms.John Michael Krois & Donald Phillip Verene (eds.) - 1953 - Yale University Press.
    At his death in 1945, the influential German philosopher Ernst Cassirer left manuscripts for the fourth and final volume of his magnum opus, _The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms_. John Michael Krois and Donald Phillip Verene have edited these writings and translated them into English for the first time, bringing to completion Cassirer's major treatment of the concept of symbolic form. Ernst Cassirer believed that all the forms of representation that human beings use—language, myth, art, religion, history, science—are symbolic, (...)
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    Semiotics and the theoretical foundations of multimedia.John H. Connolly & Iain W. Phillips - 2002 - Semiotica 2002 (141).
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    Clarifying and defending the endorsed life approach to surrogate decision-making.John Phillips & David Wendler - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (9):736-738.
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    Modal logics of succession for 2-dimensional integral spacetime.John F. Phillips - 2001 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 30 (1):1-25.
    We consider the problem of axiomatizing various natural "successor" logics for 2-dimensional integral spacetime. We provide axiomatizations in monomodal and multimodal languages, and prove completeness theorems. We also establish that the irreflexive successor logic in the "standard" modal language (i.e. the language containing □ and ◊) is not finitely axiomatizable.
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    Two Theories of Fictional Discourse.John Phillips - 2000 - American Philosophical Quarterly 37 (2):107 - 119.
  31. A Note on the Modal and Temporal Logics for N -Dimensional Spacetime.John F. Phillips - 1998 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39 (4):545-553.
    We generalize an observation made by Goldblatt in "Diodorean modality in Minkowski spacetime" by proving that each -dimensional integral spacetime frame equipped with Robb's irreflexive `after' relation determines a unique temporal logic. Our main result is that, unlike -dimensional spacetime where, as Goldblatt has shown, the Diodorean modal logic is the same for each frame , in the case of -dimensional integral spacetime, the frame determines a unique Diodorean modal logic.
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  32. Stoic Common Notions in Plotinus.John F. Phillips - 1987 - Dionysius 11:32-52.
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    Cognitive Control of Episodic Memory in Schizophrenia: Differential Role of Dorsolateral and Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex.John D. Ragland, Charan Ranganath, Joshua Phillips, Megan A. Boudewyn, Ann M. Kring, Tyler A. Lesh, Debra L. Long, Steven J. Luck, Tara A. Niendam, Marjorie Solomon, Tamara Y. Swaab & Cameron S. Carter - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    The Marquis de Sade: A Very Short Introduction.John Phillips - 2005 - Oxford University Press.
    This Very Short Introduction aims to disentangle the 'real' Marquis de Sade from his mythical and demonic reputation of the past two hundred years. Phillips examines Sade's life and work: his libertine novels, his championing of atheism, and his uniqueness in bringing the body and sex back into philosophy.
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    The possibilities of sense.Dewi Zephaniah Phillips & John H. Whittaker (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Palgrave.
    Remarkable in the range that it covers, The Possibilities of Sense testifies to an equally remarkable philosopher. In essays on ethics and thephilosophy of religion, on literature and education, the contributors displaynot only the breadth of D.Z. Phillips's work but also its power. This powercomes largely from Ludwig Wittgenstein, whose significance as a moral and religious philosopher rivals his reputation as a philosopher of language.
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  36. (1 other version)Your God is too small.John Bertram Phillips - 1953 - New York,: Macmillan.
    Your God is Too Small is a groundbreaking work of faith, which challenges the constraints of traditional religion. In his discussion of God, author J.B. Phillips encourages Christians to redefine their understanding of a creator without labels or earthly constraints and instead search for a meaningful concept of God. Phillips explains that the trouble facing many of us today is that we have not found a God big enough for our modern needs. In a world where our experience of life (...)
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    A Free Will: Origins of the Notion in Ancient Thought, by Michael Frede.John Phillips - 2013 - Ancient Philosophy 33 (2):458-464.
  38. From Natural History to the History of Nature: Readings from Buffon and His Critics.John Lyon & Phillip R. Sloan - 1983 - Journal of the History of Biology 16 (1):177-178.
  39.  32
    The Myth of Christian Uniqueness: Toward a Pluralistic Theology of Religions.J. Robert Phillips, John Hick & Paul Knitter - 1992 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 12:295.
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    Space and the Sense Datum Inference.Phillip John Meadows - 2016 - Topoi 35 (2):601-609.
    In this paper I consider the relationship between the spatial properties of visual perceptual experience and the sense-datum inference. I argue that the sense datum inference should be accepted if spatial properties are not merely intentionally present in such experiences. This result serves to underline the seriousness of the difficulties that are presented to direct realism by a particular class of illusory spatial experiences based on the geometry of visual perceptual experience. In light of these considerations I argue that it (...)
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    A discourse-based approach to human-computer communication.John H. Connolly, Alan Chamberlain & Iain W. Phillips - 2006 - Semiotica 2006 (160):203-217.
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  42. Modal Logics for Integral Spacetime.John F. Phillips - 1999 - Dissertation, The University of Wisconsin - Madison
    The main project of this dissertation is to analyze various temporal conceptions of modality for discrete n-dimensional spacetime. The first chapter contains an introduction to the problem and known results. Chapter 2 consists of a study of logics which are analogues of the so-called 'logic of today and tomorrow' and 'logic of tomorrow' investigated by Segerberg and others. We consider the analogues of these successor logics for 2-dimensional integral spacetime. We provide axiomatizations in monomodal and multimodal languages and prove completeness (...)
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    Reading Melanie Klein.John Phillips & Lyndsey Stonebridge (eds.) - 1998 - Routledge.
    Kleinian psychoanalysis has recently experienced a renaissance in academic and clinical circles. _Reading Melanie Klein_ responds to the upsurge of interest in her work by bringing together the most innovative and challenging essays on Kleinian thought from the last two decades. The book features material which appears here for the first time in English, and several newly written chapters. _Reading Melaine Klein_ recontextualizes Klein to the more well-known works of Freud and Lacan and disproves the long-held claim that her psychoanalysis (...)
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    Atticus and the Publication of Cicero's Works.John J. Phillips - 1986 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 79 (4):227.
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    Introduction.John Phillips - 2000 - Paragraph 23 (1):1-3.
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    Numenian Psychology in Calcidius?John Phillips - 2003 - Phronesis 48 (2):132-151.
    The 1962 publication of J. H. Waszink's edition of Calcidius' commentary on Plato's "Timaeus" focussed attention on the question of Calcidius' source for a group of chapters where he presents an interpretation of Plato's account of the creation of soul. I discuss three attempts to answer this question: that of Waszink himself, who argues that the source is Porphyry who was here influenced by the Neopythagorean/Platonist Numenius, that of J. M. Van Winden, who claims Numenius as the direct source, and (...)
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    Plotinus and Iamblichus on Προαίρεσις.John Phillips - 1995 - Ancient Philosophy 15 (1):135-153.
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    Dream furniture.John Phillips - 2008 - Journal of European Studies 38 (4):389-406.
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    Commemorations: From Dusk to Dawn.John W. P. Phillips - 2022 - Oxford Literary Review 44 (1):27-41.
    This essay attempts to answer the question of how one commemorates the event of thinking by raising it in relation to some commemorative texts. Derrida’s Demeure, Athènes provides an exemplary point of departure, but the seminars concerned with the death penalty raise the stakes in readings that deeply trouble an inheritance fixated on the determination of death, with Socrates and Oedipus as ancient figures of an enduring culture. The essay touches on Freud and Heidegger as dissenting figures and concludes by (...)
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    Proclus and the Chaldean Oracles. A Study on Proclean Exegesis. With a Translation and Commentary of Proclus’ Treatise on Chaldean Philosophy, written by Nicola Spanu.John Phillips - 2021 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 15 (1):114-116.
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